Posjet francuske strukovne srednje škole Lycée Jean Guéhenno Turističko-ugostiteljskoj školi Antona Štifanića Poreč

Dana 30. ožujka 2017. Turističko-ugostiteljska škola Antona Štifanića Poreč ugostila je učenike i nastavnike srednje strukovne škole iz Francuske; Lycée Jean Guéhenno iz Saint Amand Montronda. Lycée Jean Guéhenno je strukovna škola iz koje nas je posjetilo 45 učenika u pratnji pet svojih nastavnika. Učenici koji su posjetili školu usmjerenja su trgovac, konobar, kuhar i mehaničar.
Po dolasku su gosti smješteni u prostor posluživanja u prizemlju Škole, gdje im je poželjena srdačna dobrodošlica. Učenici 3. razreda smjera turističko-hotelijerski komercijalist su se pod mentorstvom nastavnika Željana Pelože, Feručia Smokovića, Josipa Zubaka i Biserke Udovičić pobrinuli za dobrodošlicu i, kasnije, ručak gostiju.
Učenicima i nastavnicima iz srednje škole Lycée Jean Guéhenno predstavljena je naša škola i programi koje ona nudi te su im prikazane slike s prošlih i projekata u tijeku, ekskurzija, terenskih nastava i sl., a učenici i nastavnici škole J. Guéhenno predstavili su svoje programe našim učenicima koji su pozvani na aktivnosti i druženje. Nakon upoznavanja i uvođenja u program škola, učenici su podijeljeni u manje skupine te su krenuli u grad, u provedbu sljedeće aktivnosti koja je od njih zahtijevala komunikaciju i suradnju. Radilo se o „lovu na blago“, aktivnosti koja je uključivala posjet porečkim atrakcijama. Krajnje mjesto susreta bilo je u parku uz more te su učenici uvedeni u aktivnost u kojoj su morali surađivati unutar svojih grupa, ali i među grupama kako bi složili puzzle koje će ih uputiti na krajnju lokaciju: natrag u školu na ručak.
Učenici su uspješno odradili zadatak, što je popraćeno i fotografijama, te su se grupno vratili u školu gdje su im učenici thk usmjerenja pod mentorstvom svojih nastavnika pripremili ručak i desertne slastice.
Ana Kalčić, školska pedagoginja
Visit of the French secondary vocational school Lycée Jean Guéhenno
On March, 30th 2017, the vocational secondary school of tourism and hospitality Anton Štifanić Poreč hosted the visit of students and teachers from a vocational school from France; Lycée Jean Guéhenno from Saint Amand Montrond. The visit of Lycée Jean Guéhenno vocational school included 45 students accompanied by five of their teachers.
Upon their visit, the guests were allocated in the restaurant service practice room where they were cordially greeted. The hosting, and later on, the lunch, was provided by the 3rd grade students (hotel and tourism commercialist), who were mentored by their teachers Željan Peloža, Feručio Smoković. Josip Zubak and Biserka Udovičić.
Our school was presented to the students and teachers from the secondary school Lycée Jean Guéhenno; the programs offered to students, photographs from past and projects in process, field excursions, etc., while the students and teachers from the school J. Guéhenno also presented their programs to our students who were invited to the welcome greeting and activities organized for the students of the French school. After the welcome greeting and introduction to the school programs, the students were divided into smaller groups and they headed to town to complete the next activity. The activity required communication and cooperation. It was the “treasure hunt”, activity that included the visit to Poreč’s city attractions. The final meeting point was in the park near the coast where the students were introduced to the activity that required collaboration within, but also among groups to assemble the puzzles that were meant to lead them to their final destination: back to school to lunch.
The students successfully completed the task and returned all together to school where the lunch and desserts were prepared and served by the students of hotel and tourism commercialist program, lead by their mentors; the teachers.
Radio Centar