PL maraton S

Peticija za Motovun !

02.07.2006. 00:00; ; Početna / Crna kronika / Peticija za Motovun !

Prostornim planom predlaže se izgradnja čak 2 golf igrališta od po 18 rupa te preko 200 apartmana u podnožju grada Motovuna.

Ako se takav plan usvoji zauvijek će biti promijenjena prekrasna srednjevjekovna panorama Motovuna i ugrožena čuvena Motovunska šuma širom svijeta poznata po bijelim tartufima.

U potpisu:

engleski prijevod:

PLEASE, HELP THE CITIZENS OF MOTOVUN (little town in Istria) AND SIGN THE PETITION BELOW – forward this mail to all your friends through out the world.

By Urban plan for Motovun it is proposed building of 2 golf courses  with 18 holes and more than 200 apartments in the nearest surrounding  below of the town.

If such plan would be adopted, the beautiful medieval panorama of  Motovun will be changed for ever as well as the world famous Motovun Forest known by the white truffles.

Sign the petition on the bellow link